the moment

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.

We Have Awesome Photographers

We Capture Emotions

Emotions serve as an essential element in photography as they engage us on a deep and profound emotional level. When we create emotional content, it touches the viewer and evokes memories. Emotional photos are more powerful and impactful, and they can instantly take us back to the moment in time they were taken. When you view an emotional photo, it immediately transports you to that place and feeling that the picture is capturing.

Wedding Photography

Product Shoot

Studio Shoot

Fashion Photography

Stock images

Corporate shoot

What We Do

We offer professional photography services, there is the best price offer for you. We are ready to serve your photo needs.

* Aidilfitri & Festivals Photography
* Personal Branding Photography
* Family Photography
* Product Photography

Our Gallery

Apa yang pelanggan kami kata...

Terima kasih S-Ruang kerana menyediakan studio yang ohsem

Pelanggan 1
Kakitangan Kerajaan

Alhamdulillah, tak perlu jauh-jauh cari studio untuk bergambar, S-Ruang kan ada, harga pun Rahmah

Shahrin & Keluarga
Kakitangan Swasta

TQ S-Ruang, Saya ingat Studio untuk Manusia sahaja, Rupanya untuk saya pun ada. Terbaik

Kucing Viral
RM 80
max 5 pax
promosi terhad
Pakej ini termasuk
  • 15 Minit
  • Soft copy gambar diberi melalui Google Drive
  • Add on: RM10/Pax
  • Tambahan masa 15 minit persediaan
Buat Tempahan Sekarang
RM 100
max 5 pax
promosi terhad
Pakej ini termasuk
  • 20 Minit
  • Soft copy gambar diberi melalui Google Drive
  • Add on: RM10/Pax
  • Tambahan masa 15 minit persediaan
Buat Tempahan Sekarang